St Thomas More Catholic Primary School has 14 mixed ability classes. As a parish school, it is intended that the spiritual growth and welfare of the students be carefully integrated within a needs-based education.
We strives to be a student-centred school providing learning and teaching experiences that are appropriate for each individual child’s development. Staff use a variety of pedagogies and learning frameworks to diversify the curriculum and facilitate quality learning and teaching experiences for all students.
Our specialised Diverse Learning Team is responsible for monitoring students identified with specific learning difficulties, behavioural and/or social skills. The team works collaboratively with classroom teachers to support and assist them in their role of developing individual plans to address the specific and individual needs of these targeted students.
Classroom teachers use a variety of forms of data to track learning gains and drive future learning directions, including literacy and numeracy continuums to monitor student learning and growth over the course of a year.
Classroom teachers plan and implement individual learning plans to support targeted students in achieving their goals, and monitor progress from year to year. In addition to this, Individual Plans (IPs) are a key part of the school’s response to catering for the diverse needs of learners. This response may include additional support, alternative outcomes, adjustments and differentiation to programming or the learning environment.
All students who receive ‘Student with Disability’ funding have an Individual Plan developed collaboratively with parents. Regular meetings are held with key stakeholders to discuss progress and concerns.
For more information, view our CEDoW Diverse Learning Needs Policy