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What We Offer

St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Ruse is a vibrant and welcoming school community who provides opportunity for all students to develop academically, spiritually and socially in a safe and supportive environment.

St Thomas More consists of 14 co-educational classes from Kindergarten to Year 6 and a Specialist Setting Class for students with Autism (known as our Samaritan Class).

Our school was established in 1978 as a result of intense lobbying from local parents seeking a Catholic education for their children – and to this day, we serve the Ruse and Campbelltown community in providing a quality, nurturing Catholic school for your children to thrive in their learning and grow in faith.

Growing and Learning in a Catholic Community

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At St Thomas More, we value each individual’s gifts and talents. Children and staff are challenged and nurtured to achieve their full potential through quality learning and teaching experiences in a culture based on Gospel values. As a faith community, we value faith in action and aim to make a difference in the lives of others through all that we do. 

Our students engage in a Religious Education curriculum that helps them develop their knowledge and assists them in living their faith in communion with others. It also helps to promote the message of action in Laudato Si', to be carers of the environment and our common home. 

Our school community also celebrates Mass, feast days and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year; and children participate in parish sacramental programs supported by the school.

Quality Learning and Teaching

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We strive to be a student-centred school which provides learning and teaching experiences that are appropriate for each individual child’s development. Our dedicated staff use a variety of pedagogies and learning frameworks to diversify the curriculum and facilitate quality learning and teaching experiences for all students – ensuring learning is personalised to meet the needs of every child.

Our specialised Diverse Learning Team works collaboratively with classroom teachers to plan and implement Individual Plans (IPs) that support targeted students in achieving their learning goals and monitor their progress from year to year. Individual Plans form the foundation of the school’s response to catering for the diverse needs of our learners.

Our students are also supported to use a wide variety of learning technologies – including our BYOD iPad Program for Years 4-6 students – to enhance and enrich their learning across all Key Learning Areas.

Safe, Caring and Supportive Environment

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At St Thomas More, pastoral care is the unifying focus for the spiritual, social and emotional aspects of school life. We see pastoral care as an attitude of respect, care and understanding which each member of the school community shows to one another. This is reinforced at our school in a number of ways, including through our Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L) framework, a dedicated pastoral support staff member, school chaplain and CatholicCare counsellor available for our students and families, and a number of opportunities for students to take on leadership roles and responsibilities. 

Our committed staff aim to lead students to a recognition of themselves as growing and developing persons. Our ultimate aim as educators is self-discipline where the children gradually take responsibility for their own behaviour. For this growth to take place, children require guidance and opportunities for decision-making through their own life experiences – be that at home, school or the wider community. We encourage a strong partnership between school and home, working together in developing these lifelong skills in our children.

A Great Range of Co-Curricular Opportunities

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At St Thomas More, students are provided a range of co-curricular opportunities to further develop their confidence, talents and sense of responsibility. These include:

  • K-6 Swimming Program
  • School Choir
  • Music Bus Lessons
  • Optional After-School Sports Sessions, including rugby league and AFL
  • STEM Club 
  • Garden Club 
  • Kids Club
  • Chess Club
  • Mini Vinnies
  • Recycling Team

Outside of School Hours (OOSH) Care Available

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Out of School Hours (OOSH) Care is available for the students of St Thomas More via local family-run service provider, Little Green Frogs.

After School Care occurs on-site at St Thomas More each school day from 2:40pm – 6:00pm. Before School Care occurs at the Little Green Frogs Centre located at 13-15 Carrington Circuit in Leumeah. Children are bused to school. Holiday Vacation Care is also available on-site at St Thomas More School.

Find more details on our OOSH Care and other information for parents and carers at the link below.

An Affordable Quality Catholic Education

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In keeping with Gospel values, at St Thomas More, no child is refused a Catholic education due to financial inability or difficulty. New or existing parents who find themselves in this situation are encouraged to discuss fee concessions with our school principal who will treat the situation with understanding, sensitivity and confidentiality. 

Ready to Enrol?

Interested in enrolling at St Thomas More or finding out more information?